Sunday, January 30, 2005



Google Planning Web Browser?
The Internet
Posted by CowboyNeal on Thursday January 27, @06:43PM
from the reaching-out dept.
Kick the Donkey writes "John Dvorak has just posted a very interesting,
albeit hypothetical, analysis of Google's future directions. Citing the
'unusual' hires of Rob Pike (from Bell labs), Ben Goodger, and Darin
Fisher (both from Mozilla) and the acquisition of the
domain, Dvorak speculates that a Firefox based Google browser and
Google-OS may soon be coming to a cluster near you."


Unconfirmed rumours

His move into the Google camp also is a clue for the direction Google
is heading - the development of its own web browser.

Unconfirmed rumours have circulated for some time that Google has its
own browser in development. Small details, such as Google registering
the "growser" domain, hint at its intentions.


Ben Goodger

Ben Goodger, the lead developer on Firefox, announced on his blog today
that he is joining Google.

This will only fuel the rumors that Google is developing a browser
based on Firefox. Ben writes...

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